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时间:2020-02-08 11:51:31  点击:1999次  来源:网络转载    

 信德网讯  武汉疫情不仅牵动着中国人民的心,也牵动着国际友人的心。澳门乐仁会会长兼乐仁出版社主任甘天霖神父(Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy)1月29日从朋友处得知中国口罩紧缺后,立即着手联络协调为中国捐赠口罩之事。

       印度班加罗尔乐仁会乔治·坎南撒南(Fr.George Kannanthanam)神父主管的两家慈善机构(Project Vision, and The Child Trust,在2004年海啸和2015年尼泊尔地震发生后,在赈灾工作中积累了丰富的经验),很快对甘神父的呼吁予以积极的响应,从印度调出了1000副医用口罩。但是由于货运公司无法在香港办理相关手续,物资不能运到中国。



The Church in India is wanting to help China in the crisis.
As soon as the shortage of masks was learned, Project Vision, Bangalore and The Child Trust,  Bangalore, charitable agencies headed by Fr. George Kannanthanam, a Claretian Priest  belonging to the Catholic Church responded to the situation. The organizations are experienced in relief work in India after the massive tsunami in 2004 and the  earthquake of Nepal in 2015. They responded immediately by sending 1000 medical masks from India. Unfortunately the cargo could not arrive to China due to inability of the freight company to process the cargo in Hong Kong.
Then, they mobilized 10000 regular masks to be brought to Macau and then dispatch to China in person since courier services cannot reach the cargo in time. If all processes go well, we will be able to dispatch those masks on the day after tomorrow.
From Macau, Fr. Jijo Kandamkulathy, the Director of the Claretian Publications and the Superior of the Claretian community is co-ordinating the work with Rev. Fr. J B Zhang, the President of the Jin De Charities.
Church has always been the first to respond to the crisis of humanity anywhere. The agility of the Church to love humanity beyond considerations of national boundaries and ethnic exclusivities is a lesson that its members have learned from their master, Jesus Christ. When I feel the pain of people on the other side of the globe as my own pain, then I truly become a disciple of that man who died for all, Jesus Christ!

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